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Tuesday, April 14, 2009

lanes latest letter and pics!!! April 12, 2009

Dear Mom,
Man I just got all of your guys emails from when you were actually on the computer and I was like they might have been on the same time i was...weird!!!! I had like 10 emails and stuff I thought i was just really popular at first then I found out they were all the short messages that everyone sent that day. Well, I guess I am still popular everyone wanted to talk to me.So anyway, i got the easter Package. Thanks. We actually thought it was going to be for my comp who said his family sent him a package a while ago, but when I opened the door I saw my name written on it. I was really surprised, yet really excited. There was so much candy in it. And toys and stuff. I only have a year left now. And though it is exciting that I will be able to see you guys really soon, if I could I would stay for a little bit longer. I really honestly have fallen in love with this work. There is so much going on right now. So much is changing. I wish i could be here for all of it. It has been a really exciting time lately. I am really starting to understand things. I mean really starting to understand things a lot better than I did in the past. About the studying thing, make a study plan. That has helped me so much, and have those questions in your mind while you study. Just something you have been thinking about a lot lately. You will find that your study goes deeper and the desire to really study is there so much stronger. That is really the key is that desire. So why is gabe getting nervouse. She has done it before. There is something I loved about the Sunday evening session of general conference. They focused a lot on the temple. And the blessings that come from the temple. Now I not saying anything bad will happen, but if we just remember those blessings those covenants that we have made in the temple and that if we know we are doing the right things, we don`t need to be nervous about life or scared. We have a reassurance that everything that is is the Lord`s will. Don`t worry, Dont`t be nervous. Just have faith and that will just disappear. We didn`t watch any movies for easter. Well, that isn`t entirely true. We did watch Conference. I really loved this conference. So much was focused on the youth and the temple and making sure we are worthy to enter into the temple. I don`t even think I can choose a favorite talk. I really can`t wait to be able to go to the temple again. In less than a year. Yet, I am doing a wonderful work right now. trying to help others obtain that blessing. Well, I need to get to writing to others. I love you mom. I miss you so much. I can`t wait to talk to you. In less than a month. Pretty crazy.
Love you.
Love Your son,
Elder Lane AShmore

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