Make your own Countdown Clocks

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Hi Mom,
ITS ELDER ASHMORE!!! So this week was a very exciting week. Way exciting things have happened that I did not expect when I came to Japan. First of all, bugs here are like cats and dogs it America, they are huge. So we were housing one day and Elder Bohman was dinging the doorbell and I see somthing out of the corner of my eye, and i was like, "WHAT THE HECK!!??" and stepped back then Elder Bohman looked and stepped back. It was a huge bee thing carrying a huge spider in it mouth and when I mean huge I mean huge, like make a circle with your pointer fingers and thumb and thats how big the spider was and stick out your pointer finger, that is how big the bee was, well maybe a bit bigger than your finger, hehe. Anyway it was huge. So we got pictures of it and then the freakeist thing happened, the bee saw us dropped the spider and pretty much tried to attack us. So we ran. It was scary. Then that same day, we were going back home I think and we were going down a huge hill going pretty fast, and I saw something dart across the road, it was pretty big so I quickly stopped, in a way that was safe, and looked to see what it was. IT WAS A MONKEY!!! Then we saw like 40 more monkeys just dart across the road. I really did not expect that. They were actually wild monkeys, it was just crazy. I got a video of it which I will be sending home pretty soon. Lets see. We are working hard everyday. Hopefully soon we will have some new investigators from some people we have met recently. They are really cool and way nice. We just need to pretty much introduce them to the gospel. Its tough to make friends and then try to make it so that its, not just a friendship but I am here to teach you, sort of thing. But, that is what i am here for. To help them come to Christ. So I will do my best. So ya that is whats happening now. Japanese is getting better I am speaking more and more each day. Hopefully they are understanding it though.
Well, I need to get going. I will make sure to pray for grandpa and grandma each day. I am being focused, don`t worry. I love you mom, and will talk to you again soon. Say hi to everyone for me. I don`t have much time left so I can`t really email everyone. Well, I love you.
Love your son,
Elder Lane Ashmore

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